'Talk like a Pirate Day'

Swashbucklers and phrases like "aye aye mateys" and "jolly rogers" will abound at the University of Wisconsin-Fond du Lac on Friday, Sept. 19, in observance of "International Talk Like a Pirate Day."
* The UW-Fond du Lac mentorship program has planned costume and service events throughout the day.
* Students will also be reading pirate-themed books to children at the Fond du Lac Boys & Girls Club.
* Community members are encouraged to dress up on their own and volunteer on Sept. 19 at various service agencies within Fond du Lac County.

The mentorship program has been serving the community for five years. It partners with Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Fond du Lac County, the Fond du Lac School District and the Woodlands Senior Park.

Source : fdlreporter

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